Ashby Primary School
Ashby Primary School is a dynamic school that strives to provide the best possible learning opportunities for students. We provide an inclusive, respectful, caring and creative environment for students, teachers, parents and the wider community.
Thinking | Enjoyment | Reflection | Resilience | Inclusion
Ashby Primary School is one of Geelong’s oldest schools, celebrating over 150 years of operation.
Built in 1875 the school is set in a historical building, with two ovals, creative fantasy playgrounds and vegetable gardens. Recent building upgrades and modifications to learning spaces support a high quality teaching and learning environment.
The school has a strong focus upon building Professional Learning Communities and is highly regarded as a PLC Link School within the Barwon Area. Other key focuses include sustainability in the environment and incorporating STEM into inquiry units. Our school community strives to develop a safe, caring and inclusive environment where mutual respect and the pursuit of personal excellence form the basis of life-long learning.




