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School Council
School Council
A Victorian government school council is comprised of parents, the principal, staff and sometimes community members. The school council assists in setting the educational policy of a school. Councils can have between 6 and 15 members.
To be a part of the council you don’t need any particular qualifications or experience – we just need enthusiastic parents who want to help improve the learning outcomes for all students.
Elections to school council positions are completed by the end of March each year. All parents or guardians of students enrolled at the school are eligible to vote for candidates wanting to participate on the school council.
Key Functions
All school councils in Victoria operate under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Each school council is established by an Order of the Minister for Education, which specifies the council’s membership, size and configuration, its objectives, powers, functions and accountabilities and the role of its executive officer who is the principal. The school council has particular functions in setting and monitoring the school’s direction.
School councils have three main responsibilities:
- Finance – overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation.
- Strategic Planning – participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan.
- Policy Development and Review – developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect our school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.
Other key functions of school councils include:
- raising funds for school-related purposes
- maintaining school grounds and facilities
- entering into contracts
- reporting annually to the school community and the Department
- representing and taking the views of the community into account
- regulating and facilitating after-hours use of school premises and grounds

Ashby Primary School – School Council 2024
President – Glyn Seal
Vice President – Emma Nicholls
Executive Officer – Steven Trotter
Parent/Guadian Elected Members
Virginnia Gilham
Emma Jones
Sam Polley
Nicole Telfer
Rebecca Hook
Staff Elected Members
Nat Biscan
Gavin Dowling
Claudia Rossi